DRAMA (English) MA-ENG-104 English Literature from Chaucer to Milton (MA-Eng.-102) European Comedy MA-ENG-105 Fiction (MA Eng. 201) Literary Criticism and Theory (MA-ENG-203) Nineteenth Century Novel (MA ENG 205) Non-Fictional Prose (English) MA-Eng-103 Romantic Poetry MA-Eng.-204 Shakespeare (MA-Eng-202) Structure of Modern English (MA-Eng-101) PDF Agayan (MA-HINDI-103) PDF Bhartiya Kavay Shshstra (MAHINDI-204) Hindi Bhasha Vigyan (MAHINDI-102) Hindi Upnyas Premchand pr Vishesh Adhyyan (MAHINDI-201) Hindi Upnyas Premchand pr Vishesh Adhyyan (MAHINDI-202) History of Hindi Literature (MAHINDI-101) Kavya Shastra (MAHINDI-203) Sahityik Nibandh (MAHINDI-104) Historiography Concepts, Methods & Themes (MAHIS-101) PDF History of Civilization MA-HIS-104 PDF History of Europe (1789-1795 AD)MAHIS203 History of Europe (1795-1848 AD)MAHIS204 Indian History-I (MAHIS-102) Indian History-II (MAHIS-103) Itihas Lekhan Dharnay Padhati Avm Upkaran (MAHIS-201) Middle & Modern Ages History of Civilizations (MAHIS-202) Ancient and Medieval Western Politcal Thought (MA POL-101) Bhart me Rajnetee (M.A.Pol-102) Bhartiya Rajnitik Vyavastha (MA POL-103) Comprative Politics Analysis (MA POL-202) Indian Government and Politics (M.A. POL- 204) International Politics (M.A. POL. 203) Modern Western Political Thought (M.A. POL-201) Vesvikaran ke Yug me Shehri Rajniti MA.POL-HINDI-104 Apada Prabandhan (MAPAD-105) PDF Comparative and Development Public Administrations (MAPAD-201) HINDI Local Governance (MAPAD-203) Lok Karmik Prashasan HINDI (MAPAD-202) Lok Prashashan ke Sidhant (MAPAD-101) PDF NGO (Administration of Non-Government Organisations (MAPAD-205)) Organisation Behaviour (MAPAD 103) Kanoon Avm Samaj Shastra (MA SOCIO 203) Ling Avam Samaj (MASOCIO-105) PDF Natedari ka Samajshastra (MASOCIO–103) Rural Development (MA SOCIO 202) Social Sturucture (MASOCIO-102) PDF Sociological Theories (Hindi) MASOCIO-101 Sociology of Religion (MASOCIO-104)